Friday, 22 May 2015

New Cover Image Pt 2 building the cover image

Next we arrange the images that make up my composition by pasting them as the smart objects.

The backgrounds all were removed using the layer masking method.

Then by pressing CTRl +ALT +I, I then changed the resolution to be over 300 pixels per inch.

The image was opened up in separate window and using the quick selection tool I quickly outlined the alien. Once I was happy that I had a good selection I clicked Image> Adjustments>Refine edge.

This brought up the preview box and sliders, it was important to refine the edge to a couple of pixels past the outline. This was to insure it would not extract any extra artefacts, and that no hard outlines would cover through from the images original background. This was then placed as a smart object on top of the nebula I had created previously. This blending option was left at on normal. And the layer named Van’dul.

I also created a layer mask for this layer as I knew I would have to edit the composition once the other layers were placed.

Leaving the snarling alien Van’dul at the back and much higher up, not just because the aliens are supposed to be tall, but also to make then seem imposing and over bearing as they are the main villains of the game.

The same steps were then applied to the female scientist concept art, except this time using the hard light blending option. This made her face stand out but also helped to blend her body into the picture. A Layer mask was also then applied. After selecting the mask layer, and using the black brush to cover up the body. I did this because I was only interested in was the head and torso. I also used the white brush to add details back and make the blending look smooth, and remove any hard edges with a soft brush with 27% opacity.

We then did the same steps As before.

Before added the smudge painted player character image that was made for this cover image because I didn’t like the 3d render image I found on the internet. This was left on top as this was going to be the main focal point of the centre of image. I choose to add less figures to this one are i felt the last couple were a bit over crowded.

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